In the strict sense of the original, that the word of the Lord was with Joshua, no doubt is meant the uncreated word, as with Moses during the whole of his ministry. Exodus 3:4; Acts 7:38


PAUSE! my soul, again and again, over the several parts of this most interesting chapter, and beg of God the Holy Ghost to give thee to see the gospel sense of it, in thine own history. How was my heart, like Jericho, shut up, when the Lord laid siege to my soul! when without were fightings, within were fears! But when the Lord seemed to delay the execution of his anger against me, and destruction did not immediately follow, my confidence, like the men of Jericho, revived, and my rebellious heart became again stout. Oh! thou dearest Jesus, thou Almighty Joshua, when by thy Spirit, thou didst break down all The walls and resistances of my carnal nature, and didst cause the weapons of sin to fall out of my hands; then didst thou conquer my soul, and make me a willing captive in the day of thy power! Reader! let you and I, while contemplating with holy joy the victory of Jesus, rejoice with trembling, in beholding the inflexible justice of God over his enemies. Oh! the discriminating grace of God to his people. Oh! for an heart to love and adore such unparalleled mercy! Lord! give us grace to lay low in the dust, in token of our nothingness, and be ever ready to ascribe the whole of salvation, from beginning to end, to God and the Lamb.

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