Leviticus 11:1

CONTENTS The sacred historian in this Chapter, enters upon the subject of clean and unclean beasts, and shows what may be eaten and what may not. As the Israelites were to be separated and distinguished from all nations of the earth; the LORD was pleased to mark them also respecting their diet, in... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 11:2

It is worthy of remark, that before the flood the flesh of animals was not allowed for food. Genesis 1:29. After the flood a permission was given to eat flesh. Genesis 9:3. Here the LORD draws a line of distinction between clean and unclean. Certainly this was for a mark of distinction between the L... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 11:3

Some have thought that in order to discountenance the most distant approach to idolatry, those creatures which the neighboring nations made their idols, were those which the LORD marked particularly as unclean; that they might be held in the greater abomination by the Israelites. Whether this be so... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 11:4-8

I make no observations on these verses, but only just to remark, that a spiritual and moral reflection may be drawn from every one. It was easy to follow up the doctrine contained in them, with an eye to believers, whose bodies are the temple of the HOLY GHOST; and to show how everything that is of... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 11:9-47

One general observation will be all that is necessary to offer on the law, concerning the clean and unclean among the fishes, and the fowls, and the creeping things of the earth. The grand object evidently intended from the whole, is to show that we are all unclean by nature, and made clean only in... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 11:47

REFLECTIONS DEAREST JESUS! enable me in every part of the law of ordinances to be looking through them unto thee. And while calling myself a member of thy mystical body, give me grace to be holy as thou art holy. Separate me, O my GOD, from all that is unclean. Let all filthiness and fornication, a... [ Continue Reading ]

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