The death of the two sons of Aaron, though priests before GOD, evidently taught that their sins, as well as the sins of the people, justly exposed them and all men universally to death; and without the atonement of blood by JESUS, no flesh could be saved. Hebrews 9:22. Reader! what a precious privilege do true believers in JESUS possess; that our mercy-seat, which is CHRIST himself, we may not only approach at all times; but we are enjoined at all times to draw near with full assurance of faith. If was death to the Israelite to come near at any other season, than a when appointed. It is the life of our soul to be always drawing nigh, and our death only when kept from it. The covenant GOD of Israel, then appeared to Israel, but in a cloud. The covenant GOD of Israel now appears unveiled, in the person of his dear SON. And we all with open face, as in a glass, behold the glory of the LORD. Oh! for the sweet leadings, and influences of GOD the HOLY GHOST, that having boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of JESUS, we may at all times draw near and find acceptance in the beloved. Hebrews 10:19.

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