Leviticus 18:1

CONTENTS This Chapter contains cautions against being seduced to the commission of heathenish practices. Particular laws are enjoined against various pollutions, such as unlawful marriages, unlawful lusts, and the like; and the ruin of the men of Canaan from the indulgence in those things, is menti... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 18:1,2

The laws which are given in this Chapter, are strikingly introduced by the authority of the lawgiver. I am the LORD your GOD. That LORD, which by right of sovereignty ought to be obeyed. That covenant GOD, which by virtue of the relationship hath a special claim upon Israel. And let the reader obser... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 18:3-5

How David speaks of his love to the LORD'S judgments, Psalms 119:1 throughout! But, Reader, did not these statutes, judgments, testimonies, etc. (which as far as I recollect are mentioned, under one term or another in every verse of that Psalm excepting two) refer to the person of JESUS who is the s... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 18:6-18

These precepts, considered in a moral sense, carry with them conviction of their own propriety. And if explained spiritually, they serve to convey this idea, that the souls who are taken into covenant relation by virtue of their union with their great spiritual head, dare not commit spiritual fornic... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 18:19-30

I do not think it necessary to enlarge, either in notes or references, on the several verses here enumerated. They all speak expressly and plainly to the subjects intended. While the Christian Reader from the perusal of them reflects upon his privileges, I pray the LORD to enable him to keep in view... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 18:30

REFLECTIONS READER! when you have perused this chapter, pause and contemplate with me, to what an awful state of sin and corruption is our nature fallen! Is it possible to consider these precepts as truly necessary to have been given, to consider our nature universally capable of perpetrating such h... [ Continue Reading ]

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