Reader! while we take part in the just reproaches of Israel, in their kingdom of priests, in beholding their transgression, and feeling our own; let us seek relief from the distressing contemplation, by directing our view unto the Lord Jesus, our covenant of peace, and our all-sufficient righteousness. Hear what Jehovah, in this blessed portion of the Chapter, saith of Him. First, the Lord God bears testimony to Him, that He is the Lord's covenant. Secondly, that the Lord gave the people, with all the blessings of the covenant to Him. Thirdly, observe the high testimony of Jehovah to his personal holiness arid purity, the law of truth was in his mouth. And, lastly, the success of his undertaking; for he is said to have turned away many from iniquity. Pause, Reader! and think with holy rapture and joy, of those glorious credentials to thy precious Redeemer and Mediator. Then turn once more to thy Jesus, and behold Him as Jehovah hath presented him to thee, thy peace through the blood of his cross; and in his righteousness contemplate thy righteousness in Him. Yes! thou blessed, gracious, holy Redeemer! thou art indeed all this, and more to thy people! The covenant, in all its sum and substance, thou art. Thou wert present in its contrivance: the foundation, hope, and end of it, in its fulfillment; the Messenger of it to thy people in the delivery of it; the Administrator of all its blessings in its accomplishment; and the fountain and Keeper of all the grace of it here in this life, and the glory of the whole of it in the life to come. Hail! thou glorious Covenant-Head of thy body the Church! the fulness that filleth all in all.

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