The same observation meets us here as at Numbers 20:11. The LORD'S people though chastened for sin are yet the LORD'S people still. The covenant of redemption subsists, though clouds and darkness rest upon it. Aaron must not enter into the promised land, though Aaron's name is written in the LAMB'S book of life, and he shall enter into heaven. But is there not somewhat typical here? Aaron as the great head and priest of the Levitical dispensation, cannot bring the people into Canaan. For the law made nothing perfect. It brings to the borders of life, but cannot bring into life. The law itself is but a schoolmaster unto CHRIST. Dearest and ever-blessed JESUS! it is thou alone that canst bring thy people in, and plant them in thy holy mountain! Aaron, and all the sons of Aaron, as priests must die, and give up their priesthood, but thou remainest forever, and thy years shall not fail. Hebrews 1:11.

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