REMARK, my soul, in the case of those Reubenites and Gadites, how injurious to the pilgrimage state in thy pursuit of Canaan, is a love of worldly ease and settlement. Alas! what have we, who profess ourselves to be strangers and pilgrims upon earth, and are supposed to be seeking a better country, that is an heavenly, what have we to do with the things of time and sense? But how true is that saying of the apostle's; All seek their own, not the things of JESUS CHRIST. Precious Redeemer! do thou so endear thyself to my view, that I may esteem it my chief happiness to endure affliction, if need be, with the people of GOD, rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; and like thy servant of old, esteem the reproach of CHRIST greater riches than all the treasures on this side Jordan.

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