Nothing can he more beautiful and interesting than the striking contrast the Psalmist hath drawn in these verses between the frail, perishing, dying nature of man, and the strength and eternity of God. And what endears it to our view, is, that amidst all our dying circumstances in Adam, our everlasting existence, is secured in Christ. The oneness between Jesus and his people, gives a right of interest in all that belongs to Him, as the head and Mediator of his redeemed. He hath said himself, Because I live, ye shall live also. John 14:19. Reader, I pray you, do not overlook this, for in this consists the whole beauty and loveliness of the passage. It is our union with, and our interest in Christ Jesus, that brings with it these unspeakable mercies. It is the covenant relation in which believers stand to God in Christ which secures the peace of this life, and the everlasting happiness of that which is to come. Oh! for grace to enter into the hearty, cordial belief, and perfect enjoyment of those blessed words of Jesus: At that day ye shall know, that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. John 14:20.

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