READER, it will be no unprofitable improvement of this subject, if from a view of the love and zeal of the faithful Israelite towards his beloved Jerusalem, you and I examine whether we feel an equal warmth of affection to Jesus and his ordinances. Depend upon it, that among the present awful decays of vital godliness, the general disregard to the welfare of Zion becomes no small cause of those decays. If we were asked, as the church of old was, What is thy beloved more than another beloved? what would be our answer? If we love Zion, or in other words, love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and in truth, shall we not rejoice to promote his glory through the earth? Shall we not invite everyone to come and take part in Jesus? Zion's children are newborn children; so saith the scripture: When the Lord writeth up the people, it shall be said, This and that man was born in her. Sweet thought! the children of Zion, the children of the great king, even Jesus, are new-born; they have turned their backs upon all other cities; their faces are Zion-ward; they speak the language, wear the garments, follow the employment of Zion's children. Their names are written among her citizens, and enrolled in the charter. Precious, precious Jesus! hast thou made me free of Zion? then am I free indeed. Oh! give me to see that thou hast written upon my soul thy new name; that I am washed in thy blood, clothed in thy robe of salvation; and have proved and do daily prove to whom I belong, in following thy courts, and dwelling in thy house, and sitting under the light of thy divine countenance. Then will, that blessedness be my portion, and I shall go from strength to strength, until everyone (both sons and daughters) in Zion shall appear before God.

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