I do not know in the whole volume of the Old Testament a verse more strongly marked with faith in Christ, or more immediately directed to the great assurances of redemption by Him, than this most beautiful one. For as Christ is the propitiatory, and the propitiation which Jehovah hath set forth, the language which this verse breathes, is the direct answer of the soul to God's declaration. Jehovah saith, I have given him for a covenant of the people! Behold my servant, whom uphold! To which the poor sinner, with full assurance of faith, replies. There is forgiveness; there is the propitiation with thee, which thou hast set forth; there is Jesus thy dear and ever blessed Son, that thou mayest be feared, not a fear of bondage, but of love, fearing to offend. Let the Reader ponder over this verse, and repeatedly meditate upon the blessed things contained in it. Let him consult those scriptures which explain it; and may the Lord give him to enter into the full enjoyment of all its blessed truths. Compare Exo_25:8-9; Exo_25:21-22 with Hebrews 9:5; Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; Isaiah 42:1.

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