This Psalm contains the devout breathings of the soul. If we read what is here expressed as the language of Christ, and in him of his church, it will be blessed indeed. David's feelings in the wilderness of Judah, very plainly prove what God the Holy Ghost graciously desires the use of this Psalm to be in the church in all ages, to express the suitable breathings of all the redeemed after a God in Christ, as their only joy.

A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.

Psalms 63:1

The Holy Ghost hath here given us some of those sweet and precious Words which the people of God are commanded to take with them, when they turn unto the Lord; Hosea 14:2. Reader, what words shall you and I take with us, when we come before the Lord, but the very words which God hath furnished us with in his holy word? What can a poor sinner say to the Lord so properly and so profitably, as what the Lord hath first said to that poor sinner, in the person of his dear Son Jesus Christ? Do not fail to remark, what a rich cluster of the most precious things are contained in this short verse. You see, the pious soul doth not think it enough to call God the Elohim, but his soul's chief joy is, that this God is his Elohim. God in covenant, God in engagements; in short, to sum up all in one, God in Christ; for this includes everything the soul can desire, or is capable of enjoying, in time or in eternity. Reader, it is blessed thus to look up to God, and doubly blessed when we know our right of appropriation in him as our God. And, see what a wilderness is capable of producing, when the soul is drawn out in such sweet enjoyments. Who would not wish to be in a wilderness with Jesus alone, when wilderness-frames are capable, through grace, to bring forth such wilderness-enjoyments? Happy David! when Judah's wilderness thus opened such rich communion with thy Lord. So found Paul in his prison; and so felt John at Patmos. See these scriptures, 1 Samuel 22:5; Philippians 1:19, etc.; Revelation 1:9, etc. Reader, do not dismiss this verse, before you have asked your soul, whether you know anything of those thirstings and longings, which are here described, for the sweet enjoyment of God in Christ?

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