Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.

Here is a gracious call to the church at large to go forth and behold Jesus as King, and crowned. Jesus came forth at the hall of Pilate crowned with thorns, to testify that He, and He only, was made perfect through suffering. And when Jesus, after his ascension, returned to glory, then was he crowned in heaven to testify his kingly power over all. And there is another coronation which takes place on the day when any and every poor sinner bends the knee of the heart to the sceptre of his grace, and crowns him for his Lord and his God. Then is the day of Christ's espousals, and the gladness of his heart; for then Satan cast out, and the Lord Jesus rejoiceth in Spirit, when Satan as lightning falleth from heaven. Reader, what do you know of this coronation of our Lord Jesus in your heart? Is Christ formed there the hope of glory?


MY soul! frequently in silent meditation run over the several blessed and gracious instructions which arise out of this delightful chapter, and enquire what correspondence thou canst find between Christ's church and thy experience in the love she manifested here to her Lord. Hast thou known what it is by night on thy bed to seek Jesus? Canst thou not say, With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea with my spirit within me have I sought thee early. It is blessed sometimes to be exercised with disappointments in order to endear the mercy, and to increase the value of it. The poor woman of Canaan would not have afforded so illustrious an instance of faith had the Lord Jesus given her an immediate answer to the first cry of her soul: and though Jesus is very frequently found of them that seek him not, and sometimes surprizeth his people with his goodness, yet, there shall be silence at the throne of grace again and again, when a child of God is going there with earnest importunity. But, as in the case of the church, when the Lord at length overwhelmed her with his visit of love, whenever the Redeemer comes, he comes with such a fulness of love, grace, and goodness, that the soul then holds him fast by faith, and dreads to let him go, lest darkness again should enter in upon the soul. And, Reader, will you allow me to ask, or will you put the very interesting enquiry yourself to your own heart; Are you coming up out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, and perfumed with the sweet incense of Jesus's merits and righteousness? Have you found this life what it really is, and is graciously intended to be, to all the Lord's family, a thorny, dark, and intricate path? Have you met with fiery, flying serpents, and scorpions? A land of drought and barrenness, through which the faithful are sure to meet, with persecution, and where none of them can find rest, or wish to make it their home? If so, is Jesus the merchant selling goodly pearls precious to you? Do you know, do you prize his myrrh and frankincense, the sufferings of his cross, the merits of his blood, and all the blessed graces of his Holy Spirit? This is to be coming up out of the wilderness, leaning as the church did upon her beloved. Oh! precious Jesus, I would say both for myself and Reader, give to us to behold thee in thy chariot, and on thy bed of salvation, which is all thine own, and nothing of our dross mixed with it. Cause us to lie down upon this everlasting bottom, which is paved with love. And while, Lord, thou art sending forth thy ministering servants, as ministering to them who are the heirs of salvation; oh! do thou come and visit us thyself, and make all thy glory to pass before us. Yes! thou dear Lord! thou art the king in Zion, the sovereign in every heart, of thy church and people. Here, Lord, upon earth would we hail thee our lawful right monarch, both by purchase and by conquest; and in heaven, we hope ere long to join that happy multitude, who are casting their crowns at thy footstool, and saying with a loud voice; Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.

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