Almighty Lord! we desire to praise thee, for thy tender mercies to Jerusalem. Do, Lord, as thou hast said. May the Church of Jesus be a cup of trembling to all that dare oppose her great salvation in her Lord. Smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with madness, that, would trample on thy peaceable followers; and may all the inhabitants of thy Jerusalem, thine holy city, have their strength in the Lord of hosts, their God!

Reader! see, I pray you, whether the Lord's strength is made perfect in your weakness; and as you know where, and in whom your confidence can alone be found, enquire whether the sweet promises in this Chapter be in your experience. If he that is feeble among the Lord's people, be as David; and the house of David as God; are these testimonies made personal with you? If it be among the gracious promises to the seed of Christ, that the Lord will pour.out upon them both a spirit of grace, and a spirit of supplications; do you know that you are Christ's seed by these sure marks and characters? Doth the Holy Ghost lead you, teach you, guide you, and help you, in your approaches to the mercy seat? Doth He glorify to your view the Lord Jesus? Doth He take of the things of Christ, and shew to you? Doth He shew Christ's fulness to your soul, and your want of him, in such a way as to make it appear, that Christ is exactly suited to you, and you to Christ? This is to take of Christ, and shew to the people. And this is to glorify Christ, and comfort a poor believer. It is in this way the Holy Ghost confirms those sweet and blessed promises, in becoming both a spirit of grace, and a spirit of supplication; a spirit of truth, and the Holy Ghost the Comforter. May the Lord give both to Writer and Reader, daily testimonies both to this scripture, and to all the promises, which in Christ Jesus are yea and Amen, to the glory of God by us.

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