"In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall ye call every man his neighbour under the vine and under the fig tree."

Here are the blessed consequences, and the gracious and glorious effects of the whole. Believers in Christ brought into a state of grace, mercy, and peace, sit down as under their own vine, and their fig-tree, for none can make them afraid. Sin cannot, for it is done away. Hell cannot, for Christ hath conquered hell, death, and the grave. And corruption cannot, for Christ's holiness is the holiness of his redeemed. What he is, he is for his people; and is made of God to them, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. 1 Corinthians 1:30. And as the people of God thus sit down to a constant feast of love, and joy, and peace, in believing, abounding in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost; so they gladly invite their fellows to join in their triumphs in Jesus. Every follower of the Lord is anxious to promote the Lord's glory, and to proclaim the blessedness of that grace he himself hath found. So that these are the blessed fruits of salvation. Reader! the Lord gives us daily sweet testimonies of the same in our own hearts. Amen. Isaiah 2:2; Micah 4:4


Reader! look up with thankfulness to God the Holy Ghost, for the blessed information given in this Chapter, of the state in which poor sinners, both ministers and people, as they are in themselves, appear before God. Thank the Lord the Spirit, that since we have such an accuser of the brethren before God, we are made acquainted with his devices, And oh! bless the Great and Almighty Glorifier of the Lord Jesus, for the blessed view he hath here afforded the Church of the everlasting and all-prevailing Advocacy of Jesus. Yes! thou glorious Intercessor, thou complete justifying righteousness of thy people! Thou hast rebuked Satan. Thou dost, thou wilt rebuke him. Neither shall he prevail against us. We are indeed clothed with filthy garments; for our best robes, our prayer robes, our sacramental robes, all are unclean, unless washed from their impurities in thy blood. Do thou, O Lord, say concerning all thy redeemed now, as of Joshua, the high priest of old; behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, I will clothe thee with change of raiment!

And oh, thou blessed Lord! Do I not behold in thee the Branch Jehovah hath brought forth, raised up, and made blessed to all thy people? How fragrant, how everlastingly filled with verdure! How fruitful in all redemption blessings to thy redeemed! Under thee, Lord, and thy shadow, would my soul forever sit with delight, and thy fruit will be sweet to my taste. On thee, O Lord, as the Stone Jehovah hath laid in Zion, would my soul forever gaze, and feast my ravished eyes! Blessed, and Almighty Jehovah! On this signet, this High Priest of my soul, grave my poor name, and give me to see my soul's interest, and everlasting security in that unspeakable mercy, since thou hast removed the iniquity of that land in one day; so that; now if the iniquity of Israel be sought for, there shall be none; and the sons of Judah, and they shall not be found. Blessed! blessed forever be God, for Jesus Christ! In him shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory. Amen.

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