Battologia; or, Vain Repetition Bat-to-log´-i-a, βαττολογία, vain repetitions . These are repetitions, of course, which are vain, meaningless, and senseless.

None of these is to be found in the word of God. Indeed, we are exhorted not to use them as the heathen do, who think that by using them in their prayers they shall be “heard for their much speaking.” The verb in Matthew 6:7 is βαττολογήσητε (battologee´-seete) use not vain repetitions . The Holy Spirit therefore does not use them: so that we have no examples to give for this figure which man has named and so frequently uses.

Examples of man’s use of Battologia may easily be found, e.g., 1 Kings 18:26 . Acts 19:34, etc. Also in the Prayer Book.

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