Chleuasmos; or, Mocking An Expression of Feeling by Mocking and Jeering

Chleu-as´-mos . Greek, χλευασμός, mocking, scoffing, sneering, jeering, from χλεύη (chleuee), a jest, and χλευάζω (chleuazô), to make a jest of, scoff at .

EPLCERTOMESIS, Greek, ἐπικερτόμησις (Ep-i-ker-to-mee-sis), a sneering or jeering .

MYCTERISMOS, Greek, μυκτηρισμός (muk-teer-is-mos), a turning up of the nose at, sneering, or snuffing, from μυκτήρ (mukteer), the nose, snout, nostrils .

The figure is used when the speaker or writer excites laughter by a jeer or sneer; or excites ridicule by turning up the nose.

This is exactly what the Holy Spirit says the Pharisees did at the Lord’s teaching in Luke 16:14, and which led Him to rebuke them, and put them to shame and silence by a parable similar to those they were fond of using (See Lightfoot).

It is also what Jehovah will do, in return, to those who have thus treated His Anointed.

Psalms 2:4. -“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.”

Proverbs 1:1-33. -This is a solemn example of the figure.

See also Isaiah 14:4, Isaiah 14:12, Micah 2:4 .

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