This word answers in our Bible to various Hebrew terms, of which the principal are the following:

1. Yeor, an Egyptian word signifying river. It is always applied to the Nile and its various canals, except in Job 28:10 Daniel 12:5, Daniel 1:12, Daniel 1:12 

2. Nahar, applied, like our word river, to constantly flowing streams, such as the Euphrates. In our version this word is sometimes rendered "flood," Joshua 24:2, Joshua 1:24, etc.

3. Nahal, a torrent-bed, or valley through which water flows in the rainy season only, Numbers 34:5, etc; frequently rendered "brook," Numbers 13:28 Job 6:15, etc. Such streams are to the orientals striking emblems of inconstancy and faithlessness. Flowing only in the rainy season, and drying up when the summer heat sets in-and some of them in desert places failing prematurely-they sadly disappoint the thirsty and perhaps perishing traveller who has looked forward to them with longing and with hope, Job 1:6-20 Jeremiah 15:18.

In some passages in our Bible the word "rivers" seems to denote rivulets or canals, to conduct hither and thither small streams of water from a tank or fountain, Ezekiel 31:4. Such conduits were easily turned by moulding the soil with the foot; and some think this is the idea in Deuteronomy 11:10; "where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden of herbs." See Pr 21:1.

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