Bangorian Controversy So called from Bangor, or the bishop thereof. Bishop Hoadley, the bishop of that diocese, preaching before George I. asserted the supreme authority of Christ, as king in his own kingdom; and that he had not delegated his power, like temporal lawgivers, during their absence from their kingdom, to any persons, as his vicegerents or deputies. This important sermon may be seen reprinted in the Liverpool Theological Repository, vol. 5. p. 301. In 1717, he also published his Preservative, in which he advanced some position contrary to temporal and spiritual tyranny, and in behalf of the civil an religious liberties of mankind: upon which he was violently opposed, accused, and persecuted, by the advocates for church power: but he was defended and supported by the civil powers, and his abilities and meekness gained him the audits of many.

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