Son of God A term applied in the Scriptures not only to magistrates and saints, but more particularly to Jesus Christ. Christ, says Bishop Pearson, has a fourfold right to this title.

1. by generation, as begotten of God, Luke 1:35.

2. by commission, as sent by him, John 10:34; John 10:36.

3. by resurrection, as the first born, Acts 1:13-33.

4. by actual possession, as heir of all, Hebrews 1:2; Hebrews 1:5. But, besides these four, many think that he is called the Son of God in such a way and manner as never any other was, is, or can be, because of his own divine nature, he being the true, proper, and natural Son of God, begotten by him before all worlds, John 3:16. Romans 8:3. 1 John 4:9.

See article GENERATION ETERNAL, and books there referred to.

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