• Genesis 12:11

    And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon:

  • Genesis 12:12

    Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive.

  • Genesis 12:13

    Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.

  • Genesis 12:14

    And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair.

  • Genesis 12:15

    The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

  • Genesis 12:16

    And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses, and camels.

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