When the people saw that Jesus was not there … they took Shipping, and came to Capurnaum

Abuse of the miracle of the loaves and fishes


1. Where they sought Him. At Capernaum. Probably His abode. He has His house on earth still, and should be sought in His own ordinances.

2. How they sought Him. They lost no time and spared no trouble.

3. Why they sought Him.

(1) Not because they were anxious for instruction.

(2) Nor because, conscious of their spiritual necessities, they longed for the bread of life.

II. A REPREHENSIBLE MOTIVE (Jean 6:25). Not that self.regard is always improper, but here it was unjustifiable. Three things are shown here.

1. Our Lord’s knowledge.

2. His faithfulness.

3. His requirement: sincerity of purpose.


1. What it forbids.

2. What it enjoins. These words contain

(1) A striking contrast.

(2) An encouraging assurance.

(3) A decisive pledge. (Miracles of the Lord Jesus.)

Seeking for Jesus


1. It has a large amount of hopefulness in it.

(1) Indifference is gone.

(2) Some kind of faith is implied.

(3) The face is turned in the right direction.

2. There is much that is doubtful, The seeker disobeys the great command of the gospel, which is to believe, for Christ is not far from any one of us.

II. THE PERPLEXITIES OF THIS STATE. First seekers are very often perplexed.

1. As the result of their ignorance of the way of salvation, which is to take God at His word, and to believe that Jesus is what He is--the Atonement for sin.

2. To increase their perplexity, they are often distracted with fear. Persons in a panic act generally in the worst manner for their own safety. So the sinner, conscious of guilt and God’s anger, scarce knows where to flee.

3. The mind is usually harassed with a thousand questions--about doctrine, about Satan’s suggestions.

4. It is also much grieved to find that it cannot even now cease from sin, as though this could be before pardon.


1. Present peace and comfort is lost.

2. There is the peril of despair.

3. Seeking may die out in indifference.

4. Something short of Christ may be taken up.


1. Give attention to the object of faith. Christ as presented in the gospel.

2. Clear away everything that would hinder your believing.

(1) Cherished sin.

(2) Evil company.

3. Remember that, till you have believed, your danger is of the most imminent kind. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

Seeking for Jesus

Hear, dear friend, your true position. It is the case of a soldier on the battlefield, wounded, bleeding, life oozing away from him. He is perishing; but he is sufficiently sensible to know it and to call for help. The surgeon is on the field within hearing; the sufferer pleads for relief with many cries and entreaties. So far well; but I pray you remember that crying and weeping will not of them- selves heal the sick man; the surgeon must actually come and bind up his wounds. So remember that your prayers and seekings of themselves cannot save you. Jesus must come to you, and it is madness for you to refuse Him by your unbelief. (C. H.Spurgeon.)

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