Isaia 43:1-28

CHAPTER I THE DATE OF Isaia 40:1; Isaia 41:1; Isaia 42:1; Isaia 43:1; Isaia 44:1; Isaia 45:1; Isaia 46:1; Isaia 47:1; Isaia 48:1; Isaia 49:1 [ Continua a leggere ]

Isaia 43:5-10

CAPITOLO XVI IL SERVO DEL SIGNORE Isaia 41:8; Isaia 42:1; Isaia 42:18; Isaia 43:5; Isaia 49:1; Isaia 1:4; Isaia 52:13 With chapter 42, we reach a distinct stage in our prophecy. The preceding Chapter s have been occupied with the declaration of the great, basal truth, that Jehovah is the One Sover... [ Continua a leggere ]

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