Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket. "After many days were fulfilled," at the expiration of a longer period of time. Luke does not say where Saul stayed during this time, nor does he describe his labors, but it is probable that the journey to Arabia, Galatians 1:17, took place at this time. Whether Saul was engaged in missionary labors, or whether the Lord was granting him period of special preparation, we have no means of knowing. But having returned once more to Damascus, Saul was soon to learn that the amazement of his fellow-countrymen had worn off. The Jews planned together to kill him, to put him out of the way for proclaiming the Gospel. He experienced something of the hostile attitude and persecution which he had formerly shown to the disciples of Jesus. Saul found out about the plot to kill him and made plans to escape. The Jews, however, had laid their plans so well that they had also gained the cooperation of the ethnarch under King Aretas, 2 Corinthians 11:32, and they had guards at all the gates of the city, with orders that they should put Saul to death if he attempted an escape. Undoubtedly they hoped to have little difficulty in laying hold of him in the city, as soon as they thought the time would be ripe. In this emergency the disciples found a way to foil the pursuers. They found a house which was built next to the city wall, or even with a superstructure resting on the wall, and it was an easy matter to lower Saul from an opening in the wall, by means of a large basket, such as were used by hucksters to carry their wares. In this way the disciples of Damascus sent Saul away from the city and provided for his safety. This was about three years after his conversion, Galatians 1:18.

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