And how shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

The apostle here explains what is implied in calling upon the Lord, v. 13. He had stated that this worship of the Lord in faith was a condition of salvation, and he now follows up that thought, showing what is involved in that word of the Lord. How is it possible for them to call upon Him in whom they do not believe? Worship is an act of faith; therefore, where faith is not present, the proper worship of the Lord is excluded. How is it possible for them to believe in Him of whom they have not heard, or, where they have not heard? Where the voice of Christ has not been heard in the Gospel, there faith is out of the question. And this leads to the next question: But how can they hear without one that preaches? If there is no one there to proclaim the Gospel, the hearing of the joyful message of salvation is manifestly not to be thought of. And finally: How can they preach the Gospel if they have not been sent? 1 Corinthians 1:17. If the Lord does not send preachers of the Gospel, if He does not make men's hearts willing to prepare for the office, if He does not issue His call through the medium of the congregation or the Church, how can the office be supplied? Thus Paul, by a series of convincing logical inferences, brings out his conclusion of the duty of preaching the Gospel to all people. "As invocation implies faith, as faith implies knowledge, knowledge instruction, and instruction an instructor, so it is plain that if God would have all men to call upon Him, He designed preachers to be sent to all, whose proclamation of mercy being heard, might be believed, and, being believed, might lead men to call on Him and be saved. " (Hodge.) This reasoning agrees exactly with a prophecy of Isaiah, the present need is met by the prophetic saying, Isaiah 52:7: How beautiful the feet of those that preach the Gospel of peace, that preach the Gospel of good things! The feet of the messengers of the Gospel are lovely, because their coming is delightful, because they are eager to bring the tidings of joy. The content of their proclamation is peace, reconciliation with God through Jesus, good things, the fullness of God's blessings through the work of Jesus. In this way the declaration of the prophet, in speaking of the joy with which the coming of the messengers of the Gospel will be received everywhere, is used to prove the necessity of preaching the Gospel to all men.

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