Sent] The Gk. word is that from which 'Apostle' is derived. Supply, 'but apostles have been sent.' How beautiful] from Isaiah 52:7.

16-21. The Jews have had every opportunity, and their fall is due to their own obstinate wilfulness.

Paraphrase. '(16) It is no argument against the message to say it has only partially succeeded, for Isaiah lamented that the Jews would not listen to it, (17) in words which imply that there would be a Divine message about Christ meant to call forth faith. (18) Nor can any one say that the Jews have not heard the message, for it has been preached everywhere. (19) Nor can it be said that the nation which had received the Scriptures did not know that the Gentiles were to be included in God's favour. Even so far back as Moses they were warned that it would be so; (20) and Isaiah uses the plainest language. (21) No excuse can be made for them. Their fall is due to the same stubborn rejection of God's unwearied love which Isaiah saw in his day.'

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