New Catchers of Men

Luke 5:1-11

Not their first call, recorded in John 1:35-42, but another which preceded their appointment to the apostolate.

The Lord always supersedes us. He superseded Peter in his command of the boat, which he had navigated since he was a lad. There is always a testing-point for the soul. Will you surrender the command and let Christ be captain? If so, in the teeth of great difficulties-for fish are not caught generally in the glare of day-He will fill your boat to the water's edge. He does beyond all we asked or thought.

Christ will be in no man's debt. If you lend Him your boat, He will return it filled with silver fish. The boats were filled; the upper room was filled with the Holy Spirit; and all Martha's hospitality was well repaid when Lazarus was raised.

At the day of Pentecost when Peter's net landed 3,000 souls, was not our Lord's promise fulfilled? “Thrust out a little, ”is the beginning of long voyages and fishing expeditions with Christ!

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