Preaching Christ

Philippians 1:15


1. Some preach Christ of envy and strife. Of one thing we are sure: we are commanded to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered. Of another thing we may be equally sure: we are not to preach Christ with contention.

The word in II Timothy says, "The servant of the Lord must not strive." To the contrary we are told to "be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient." In meekness we are to instruct "those that oppose themselves."

Whenever we permit ourselves to use the pulpit, dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as a place to inflict our indignation and contempt against personalities, we are contrary to the Spirit of the Master.

Even in opposing sin and its ravages, we must do so in a spirit of grief and compassion, and not in the spirit of strife.

2. Some preach Christ to add affliction to others, Paul, in Philippians 1:16, said: "The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds."

This is even worse than the other. How was it possible that men who professed to know God and His Gospel, should become so opposed to the Apostle Paul? One would think that Paul's scars and bonds would have sufficed. But their desire to add affliction upon affliction is almost unbelievable.

For our part, we think that we should be very careful in condemning others. It is to their own Lord they stand or they fall.

3. Others preach Christ of good will and of love. Remember both of these parties were preaching Christ, and perhaps preaching Christ in sincerity, even though some were contentious and given over to strife and envy.

These who preached through good will and through love were far more acceptable to God. They realized that Paul was set for the defense of the Gospel, and not for its destruction. Wherever there is love and good will, there the spirit of Christ is being made manifest.

4. Paul's conclusion. Philippians 1:18 is one of the Scriptures which opens up the very throbbings of Paul's heart. It reads thus: "What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice."

These words should teach each of us a great lesson. Suppose some people do preach Christ in a way which is altogether contrary to our own method. So long as the message is true, the Gospel is preached, and Christ is glorified, let us rejoice.

The disciples wanted to bring down fire against some who walked not with them. The Lord immediately rebuked them. It is still true that the dear saints who are not against Christ are for Him. They may make many mistakes and they may err in their spirit, and even in some of their minor doctrinal positions. Let us, however, rejoice if Christ is preached.

We need, today, in the churches, among those who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity and in truth, and who preach Him faithfully, a deeper spirit of comradeship.

I. A CAUSE FOR REJOICING (Philippians 1:18)

1. Rejoicing when Christ is preached. We remember the story of how Dr. F. B. Meyer sat on the platform listening to George H. C. MacGreggor preaching one of his (Meyer's) Sermons. He said his friend seemed unaware that he was doing this; and Dr. Meyer would not have cared so much, only that Mr. MacGreggor was preaching it better than he could do it. Thus Dr. Meyer became jealous and even cross about it.

Suddenly Dr. Meyer woke up to the fact that his spirit was affecting his good friend MacGreggor, and that MacGreggor was losing power in his message. Then Meyer prayed, "O God, fill me with Thy love for MacGreggor." As he prayed, his very soul began to well up with even more than the old love, and MacGreggor began to preach better and better.

Paul said something real when he said concerning those who preached Christ, hoping to add affliction to him in his bonds, "Notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice."

2. Rejoicing at the results which follow the preaching of Christ. There is joy over one sinner that repenteth joy in the presence of the angels. There is also joy among saints. How happy are we when we see the Word working to the salvation of the lost.

There is joy also to the sinner who receives the message of truth and crowns Christ as Saviour. At Pentecost they who gladly received His Word were baptized. Have we not heard, "With joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation"?

There is joy to the saved in the time of Christ's Coming. Paul wrote: "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His Coming?" So there is joy here, and there is joy over there.

Christ Himself shall rejoice. Indeed, the preaching of the Gospel means to Christ the outgathering and upgathering of those for whom He died. "He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied."

Surely He will joy over us all with great joy and with rejoicing.

II. IN NOTHING ASHAMED (Philippians 1:20)

1. Paul's first great expectation "That in nothing I shall be ashamed." Methinks that the Apostle had the judgment seat of Christ in view. So far as this earth was concerned, he was willing to be considered as the offscouring of the earth. That, however, was chiefly among the enemies of the Cross. Among the saved, he wanted to stand acquitted of all blame. His chiefest desire, however, was to be found acceptable before Christ, at the Bema judgment seat (2 Corinthians 5:1).

We wonder if all Christians have this in mind as their chief ambition "in nothing * * ashamed"? Let us remind ourselves, then, that we must sustain down here a conscience void of offense toward God and toward men. We must live in so godly a way, that we know nothing against ourselves. For if our own hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts.

"In nothing * * ashamed" nothing in the doing of evil; nothing in the failing to do the good. "In nothing * * ashamed" nothing that makes us blush, nothing that would cause us to draw back from Him at His Coming. Nothing now; nothing then.

2. Paul's second great expectation: That "Christ shall be magnified in my body." This is the acme of Christian living doing all to the glory of God. It is ours to adorn the Gospel of grace now, and to adorn the brow of our blessed Lord in Heaven; whether in life, or in death, to magnify Christ to magnify Him now, in the body, and then, forevermore.

Let us not make excuses about the weakness of our flesh, and the evils of our hearts God is able to deliver us. Paul once spoke of dragging about a body of "death." Now he speaks of a body magnifying Christ. He had passed out of Romans 7:1, with its groanings, and its despair, into the eighth chapter, where the paeans of the life of victory in the Spirit are sounding out the victory in Christ.

Have you this great desire to magnify Christ in your body? Think of the possibilities which were Paul's, and are yours. "Ye are * * that ye should." Ye are what? A chosen generation born-again ones that, ye may show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

III. TO LIVE IS CHRIST (Philippians 1:21)

Years ago at least forty years we heard Dr. G. Campbell Morgan preach on this text. Unto this day we remember his outline. We will use it now. The headings only are his, and these may vary, somewhat, from lapse of memory.

1. Paul meant to say, For to me to BEGIN to live is Christ; that is, Christ is the beginning of my life. Apart from Him, we had never known life. He is the Author as well as the Finisher of our faith.

It was when we met Him at His Cross and believed on Him that the new life began to surge through our being. "At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light," is true of us all.

2. Paul meant to say, For to me to continue to live is Christ; that is, Christ is the Sustainer of our life. If we began in Him, we also continue through Him. He is the Sustainer of our life, inasmuch as our lives and His are linked together in an indissoluble glory. It is the story of the vine and the branch. The two are linked and interlinked; woven and interwoven. One cannot tell just where the life of the branch begins, and where the life of the vine ends. The very life of the branch is the continual interflow of the life of the vine.

3. Paul meant to say, Christ is the power of my life; all I do, I do because of His enabling. Even now He is saying, "All power is Mine, go, and, lo, I am with you." He is the great power which enables me to serve Him, and to live for Him. I am living out, what He lives into me; I am working out, what He is working in me.

4. Paul meant to say, Christ is the climax of my life. Everything I do is for Him. I seek not my own, but His. I do all things to please Him, and to give Him glory. My great concern is to be found in Him, accepted and approved.

Whether I eat, or drink, I do it all for Him. If I give a cup of cold water, I give it in His Name.

5. Paul meant to say, for to me to live is to produce Christ. Christ was the product of his life. This was true because Christ in him was all he was, and all he did. When he lived, Christ lived again.

6. Paul meant to say that Christ was the great conclusion of his life. He lived that he might be forever with the Lord.


1. "To abide in the flesh is more needful for you." The Apostle Paul had known a very strenuous, self-sacrificing, and suffering life. He had wrought as few men had wrought; He had given up what few others had given up; he had suffered for Christ as few have ever suffered. He was now, therefore, willing to go or willing to stay.

As he faced the two possibilities, that of remaining with the saints, and that of going on to be with the Lord, he said: "I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you."

Thus it was that Paul said: "What I shall choose I wot not." If he lived, it was for Christ; or if he died, it was gain, for to die was to be with Christ.

We have time to consider only the statement, "To abide in the flesh is more needful for you. The Apostle still longed to do for others. A friend who was with Billy Sunday when he was in the hospital, near to death, heard Billy Sunday pray, "Lord, if You will give me back my strength, I would like to strike a few more licks for Thee." Why else should we desire life, as Christians, if it is not to make that life count for others? If it were not that we might save some, and lead others to walk the closer with God, we had better go to be with Him.

2. "To be with Christ; which is far better." A little later, Paul wrote to the Philippians and said: "Ye are my joy and crown."

In Philippians 1:22 Paul said, evidently referring to the saints whom he should meet beyond, "This is the fruit of my labour."

There was no fear with Paul as he looked into the beyond. He went so far as to say it was far better. He knew that to die was gain because to die was to be with Christ. That also was the fruit of his labor.

We, too, should live in the glorious anticipation of being forever with the Lord.

V. PAUL'S IDEAL OF LIFE (Philippians 1:22)

1. The furtherance of your joy and faith. The words above express Paul's conception of continuing to live among the brethren. He said that he had confidence that he would abide and continue with the saints. He had not thought, however, of taking a rest; and he felt no desire to quit serving. As long as a drop of blood was in his body, he wanted to spend and be spent in behalf of the saints.

A man who had labored so long, knew not how to rest. Mrs. Neighbour and I were escorted in Bethlehem to the dungeon in which Jerome translated the Bible. We marveled that in a place underground, with a mere flickering torch, one could have had the courage of faith, and the energy of the Spirit, to undertake so great a task. There is, however, in all true saints, something within them that will not let them go. Jeremiah said: "I will not * * speak any more in His Name." His persecutions were so severe, and the people were so hardened against him, that he seemed to say, "What's the use?" Then he added: "But His Word was in mine heart as a burning fire * * and I could not stay."

There is something in the true believer's heart that presses him on and on in behalf of others for the furtherance of their joy and of their faith!

2. The life more abundant. Paul was not satisfied to get people saved. He wanted to see Christ formed in them. He wanted them to grow into the measure of the stature of Jesus Christ. He wanted their rejoicing to be more abundant in Jesus Christ.

We need to remember that there are always higher reaches, holier vision, and an enlarged fullness of the Lord for all saints. Let us do our part in bringing this about.

VI. GOSSIPING THE GOSPEL (Philippians 1:27)

1. "Let your conversation be as it becometh the Gospel of Christ." Our Scripture verse is so wonderful. This is the way it reads: "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the Gospel of Christ."

There is a little verse in Titus where we read of adorning the Gospel or, the doctrine of God. Here we read of our living adorning the Gospel. The word "becometh" to us suggests a similar thought with the word "adorning." A dress becomes its wearer when it adorns her, and makes her the more beautiful.

The Gospel of Christ is so marvelous that it would seem impossible for us by our conversation to make it more beautiful, and yet that is just what we can do. We can put the Gospel into our way of living, and into our way of talking; we can gossip the Gospel with words chosen and selected, and thus glorify and magnify it.

It seems to us that the whole thought of Paul is that saints should continually be speaking of the Lord. It is not a mere negative statement, that we should not allow our conversation to harm the Gospel. That would have to be stated with a "Thou shalt not." The Holy Spirit is rather seeking a positive magnifying and glorifying of the Gospel.

We have seen some men and women who seldom speak without telling the story of God's love. It seems as natural for them to talk about the Lord Jesus as it is for them to breathe. You expect nothing else from them.

Other Christians whom we have met, never appear to have anything to say about Christ in the general run of their conversation. They talk much, every way, about everything; but in no way do they converse concerning the Gospel.

2. "Stand fast in one spirit, with one mind." It was not merely for the isolated individual that Paul prayed; it was rather for the whole Church all of the saints. He wanted them to gossip the Gospel with a unity of spirit and of mind. He wanted them to strive together for the faith of the Gospel. This was the power of the Early Church. They were together, with one heart and one mind in Christ. Schisms and divisions had not yet been known. Carnalities had not yet arisen.

God grant that once again we may have a united church, all spiritual, all conversing Christ, and all contending for the faith.

VII. IN BEHALF OF CHRIST (Philippians 1:28)

1. "In nothing terrified by your adversaries." When saints are persecuted there is an evident double token. First, it is a token that the adversaries are sons of perdition, that they are lost. Secondly, it is an evident token that the saved are sons of salvation, and of God.

Why then should we be terrified? The enemy can do no more than destroy our bodies; and they can only do this in the will of God. All the enemies which Satan can gather cannot touch our eternal joys, nor can they do more than hasten the day when we shall see our Lord.

2. It is given to saints to suffer. Philippians 1:29 says: "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake."

I wonder if all of us like the word "also," and the words, "not only." " Not only to believe * * but also to suffer."

To believe is to receive. It is to obtain eternal life. Belief is the hand that takes. We all like this very much. We rightly rejoice in eternal life, but God tells us it is not only to believe. Faith must be followed by confession, by separation from the world, by dedication unto Christ. Faith must be followed by a holy affiance to our Lord. Faith, therefore, entails suffering for His sake. If He suffered, shall not they who align themselves with Him also suffer?

If He is outside the camp; and if we are going to Him, we, too, must go outside the camp.

The Lord Jesus never made it easy to get a disciple. He plainly said: "In the world ye shall have tribulation." He also said: "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you."

Thus Paul took a like position. How can any of us expect to live a holy life, without suffering the sneers of those who think it strange that we run not with them to the same excess of riot?


The art of photography is now so perfect that the whole side of a great newspaper can be taken in miniature so small as to be carried in a little pin or button, and yet every letter and point be perfect. So the whole life of Christ is photographed in one little phrase "Not to be ministered unto, but to minister." He came not to be served. * * He came to serve. He went about doing good. He altogether forgot Himself. He served all He met who would receive His service. At last He gave His life in uttermost service giving it a ransom for others. He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. You say you want to be like Christ. You pray Him to print His own image on your heart. Here, then, is the image. It is no vague dream of perfection that we are to think of when we ask to be made like Christ. The old monks thought that they were in the way to become like Christ when they went into the wilderness, away from men, to live in cold cells or on tall columns. But that is not the thought which this picture suggests. "To minister" that is the Christlike thing. Instead of fleeing away from the world, we are to live among men, to serve them, to seek to bless them, to do them good, to give our life for them. J. R. Miller.

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