‘Withal taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery arrows of the wicked one.'

Once we are founded in truth, clothed in imputed righteousness and revealing true righteousness, and shod with the good news of peace, we have to learn to exercise faith, using the shield of faith. Through faith we came to Christ for redemption through His blood (Romans 3:25) and receive assurance in our hearts. Through faith we receive the Spirit (Galatians 3:5; Galatians 3:14) and experience Christ dwelling in our hearts (Ephesians 3:17). And through faith we must defend ourselves against the attacks of the Enemy by holding up the shield of God's promises. As he attacks every attack can be met by a promise of God, in the same way as Jesus thwarted him during His time of temptation. So we must hold up as our shield, faith in the promises of God. This was the weapon that Jesus used when tempted by Satan in the wilderness, and there is no better. To each attack He replied with a quotation from Scripture, confounding the Enemy, and we must do the same. Thus every Scripture verse that we take to our hearts is another weapon in our armoury.

For every attack of Satan there is a reply in Scripture. There is our means of combating his lies. It thus behoves us to study the Scriptures assiduously, and to hold it in our hearts, so as to be able to produce it at the opportune moment. Our faith in the God of the Scriptures will then act as a defensive shield on the basis of His promises.

‘The fiery arrows of the Evil One.' Fiery arrows, like temptation, may seem picturesque in the sky but when they land they burn and destroy. His arrows never bode any good. In Psalms 120:4 the sharp arrows of the mighty are linked with lying lips and a deceitful tongue, and are characteristic of the enemies of peace. Compare how the false Messiah in Revelation 6 has a bow while the true Messiah in Revelation 19 has a sword. But these arrows are turned away by the shield of faith in the promises of God.

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