“If you love me you will constantly keep in mind and obey what I have commanded you (literally ‘my commandments'), and I will pray the Father and he will give you another ideal companion (paraclete)”.

These words connect directly with what has gone before. In John 14:13 He has spoken with the assumption that there are ‘works' to be done for which special enabling will be given. Now He specifically says that if they love Him they will do those works He has commanded them. (His commandments to them included preaching the Good News and healing the sick - Matthew 10:7; Luke 9:2). And in return His Father will give them, at His request, ‘another' ideal companion, a ‘paraclete', to replace His earthly presence, to assist them in their work. The word for ‘another' indicates ‘another of the same kind'.

The word ‘paraclete' means one called alongside to assist. It was used of a lawyer who would be called on to assist in a court of law, whether as defence or prosecutor, or of one assisting in speechmaking or teaching, or one who consoled. That is why we have translated it as ‘ideal companion', for He is replacing Jesus Who has been their ideal companion, assisting, guiding, defending, teaching, empowering and consoling.

We do not need to try to select which meaning is in mind. The word Paraclete had an all-inclusive meaning of someone who came alongside to help. Most specifically in context He is the One Who will guide into all truth, bringing to mind what they have heard from Jesus, and interpreting it to their hearts as they carry out their ministry.

This confirms what we have said above. The test of love for Jesus is found in obedience to His demands. They can pray ‘in His name' only because they love Him and are obeying implicitly what He has told them to do. It is because they have been given a huge responsibility that the resources of Heaven are at their disposal. They are to be used for no other purpose.

Furthermore that demand includes the fact that they must love one another (John 13:34). That is part of their ‘works'. Service is never in isolation except when unavoidable. So not only can they be sure that Jesus will respond to their prayers, providing all that they really need, but they can also know that they will be given ‘another ideal companion' to assist them in their work.

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