‘Thomas says to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” '

Thomas now speaks up for all. (We note here the equality between the Apostles). While Jesus was there, there had been no problem. But that other world often appeared far away and strange, and at no time more than at this moment in their lives. Yes, there is another world, but what is it like, and what is the way there? They do not yet have confidence and assurance in that other world. Their minds up to this point have been set on an earthly Kingdom, and they are taking time to adjust. Furthermore Thomas was not alone in this. All the disciples shared his concern. How were they to find their way to this place to which Jesus was going?

We too may feel sometimes that we do not know where He has gone. Heaven may seem a strange place. But as He has just explained, what is important is that we know He is there and awaits us, and that we know Him as the Way there.

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