‘Now there were six water pots of stone set there in accordance with the Jewish custom of purifying, each containing two or three metretes.'

Nearby Jesus sees six very large jars which were there for the purpose of Jewish cleansing rituals (compare Mark 7:3). The writer remembers clearly the number of the jars. Perhaps he sees it as indicating intensified three (twice three) signifying total completeness. Interestingly five disciples have been mentioned and with Jesus Himself this would make six, which would tie in with the number of water pots, but that is to assume that they were all still with Him which may well not have been so. Peter and Andrew for example may have returned home and back to their fishing. On the other hand John, looking back, may have seen some significance in the number. From them and from Himself Jesus would produce new wine and they would take God's wine to the world. Much of the water would have been used already as the wedding feast was well under way, so He tells the servers to refill the jars. All this detail indicates an eyewitness. It is significant that John mentions the use of the water pots and describes their significance. He wants to draw the attention of his readers to the source of the water, that it is connected with the old religious rites. Once again we recognise a genuine Jewish background.

‘Metretes' is a measure containing about thirty nine and a half litres. Thus each jar contains on average about a hundred litres, (about 26 US gallons), making 600 litres in all, illustrating the fact that Jesus gives good measure and running over. It may, however, only have been the water that was drawn out that became wine.

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