‘And he went away, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might deliver him to them, and they were glad, and covenanted to give him money.'

No doubt responding to promises and assurances from those who had contacted him, Judas sought out the chief priests and captains of the Temple guard. And there, in return for the offer of money, he discussed with them how he might assist them in handing Jesus over to them at a time when He was not surrounded by crowds. His own familiar friend in whom He trusted, the same was lifting up his heel against Him (Psalms 41:9). They were, of course, delighted. It presented them with an undreamed of opportunity. And they promised to pay him blood money once the matter was resolved.

‘Captains (strategois).' In this case the leaders of the Temple guard. They would mainly be Levites. Compare Acts 4:1; Acts 5:24 for their leader (strategos).

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