‘And leaving the great crowd they take him with them, even as he was, in the boat. And other boats were with him.'

The simple detail emphasises that we have here the words of an eyewitness. It would seem that the crowds were so great and pressed so close to the shore line to hear His words that landing would be difficult and uncomfortable, and Jesus was exhausted. So the disciples immediately set off across the lake without landing, taking Him ‘just as He was' after the long day, enabling Him for His part to be able to sleep. (This takes up from Mark 4:1 when He entered the boat, the material included meanwhile (e.g. Mark 4:10) being ignored).

The fact that ‘other boats were with Him' stresses the eagerness of His closest followers to stay near Him. His boat could only take so many and thus those of His followers who had not been invited into the boat because of shortage of space, had boarded other boats so as to be able to listen and follow Him wherever He went. It was thus quite an armada that set off across the lake. They too would be caught in the storm. That is possibly another reason why He stills it.

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