‘That it might be fulfilled which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying,'

Note again the emphasis that it is Isaiah's prophecy that is being ‘filled to the full'. And similarly to Luke (in Luke 4:18) he wants us to recognise that here we have the anointed King as described by Isaiah, for in Isaiah ‘the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light' (Isaiah 9:2) comes prior to ‘the child has been born and the son has been given' (Isaiah 9:6) who was to rule from David's throne for ever (Matthew 1:1; Matthew 1:18; Matthew 1:21; Matthew 1:23; Matthew 1:25; Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 11:1). And also that we have the anointed Prophet of Isaiah, as the One Who was to go about ‘preaching good news to the meek, and deliverance of captives' -- ‘and of the afflicted', -- with ‘the Spirit of the Lord on Him' (Isaiah 61:1). For Jesus comes preaching the Good News of the Kingly Rule of Heaven, healing the sick and afflicted, and releasing the captives of evil spirits (Matthew 4:17; Matthew 4:23 compare Isaiah 61:1). It is seen as important that the Kingly Rule of Heaven be established by drawing men under God's Rule.

Note the parallels with the ministry of John and yet the great differences. Both ministries are introduced by a quotation from Isaiah, but one comes as a herald and preparer of the way, the other as the shining light who arrives and lightens the darkness (Isaiah 9:2). It is He Who is the child Who is born, and the Son Who is given (Isaiah 9:6 - compare Matthew 1:18; Matthew 1:21; Matthew 1:25; Matthew 2:15; Matthew 3:17 - the implication can hardly be missed) as Matthew has already explained. Both seemingly proclaim the same message, ‘repent for the Kingly Rule of Heaven is at hand' (Matthew 3:2 with Matthew 4:17). And yet it is patently not the same message, for John has made clear that while he has introduced the shadow, Jesus is to reveal the sun, for while he has baptised in water, Jesus baptises in the Holy Spirit and fire. It is the same basic message, but it is one that is advancing and expanding. The one has pointed forward to the other.

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