The Mobilisation of the Army of Israel, and the Preparation of the Levites For Their Work of Bearing the Ark and Dwellingplace of Yahweh (1:1-4:49).

The first stage towards entry into the land had to be the mobilisation of the army of Israel, both of its fighting men, and of its ‘servants of the dwellingplace of Yahweh'. That is what is in mind in the first four Chapter s.

The description of this follows a general chiastic pattern indicated by the letters a to d and can be divided up as follows:

a The taking of the sum of the tribes and their responsibility (to war) (Numbers 1:1).

b The Levites' responsibility for the Dwellingplace (Numbers 1:47).

c Positioning and arrangements for travel of the people (Numbers 2:1).

d The consecration of the priests to Yahweh (Numbers 3:1).

d The dedication of the Levites to the priests and to Yahweh (Numbers 3:5)

c Positioning and arrangements for travel of the Levites (Numbers 3:14).

b The priests' responsibility for the Dwellingplace (Numbers 4:5).

a The taking of the sum of the Levites and their responsibilities (Numbers 4:1; Numbers 4:21).

Provision For The Purity of the Camp And Yahweh's Own Provision For That Purity (5:1-9:14).

Vital if Yahweh was to dwell among His people, and speak to them, and shine His light on them, was that they be holy. The provision for the holiness of the camp can be divided between the responsibility of the people to seek holiness and purity (Numbers 5:1 to Numbers 7:88) and the response of Yahweh in providing them (Numbers 7:89 to Numbers 9:14).

1). The Responsibility Of The Whole People (5:1-7:88).

a First was the responsibility to keep the camp ritually clean and whole by expulsion of all that was unclean that would defile the camp (Numbers 5:1), dealing with moral offences that caused dissension and would defile the camp (Numbers 5:5), and the maintenance of marital relationships with the consequent removal of the defilement of secret adultery (Numbers 5:11).

b Second was the responsibility for the lay people to consider the opportunity for individual dedication of themselves as Nazirites to Yahweh (Numbers 6:1), at least for a time, putting themselves almost on a par with the priests from a point of view of consecration to God, although not enabling them to perform priestly functions. By this they could increase the holiness of the camp and contribute to it becoming ‘a kingdom of priests' (Exodus 19:6).

c Third was for the priests to dispense Yahweh's blessing of His people with His Name (Numbers 6:22), establishing them as His holy people and ensuring the holiness of the camp.

d Fourth was for the princes to provide the gifts and offerings necessary for the dedication of the altar and for the maintaining of the holiness of the Sanctuary on behalf of the whole of Israel (Numbers 7:1).

2). The Response of the Sanctuary (7:89-9:14).

d In response the Voice of Yahweh would speak to Moses from the Mercy Seat (Numbers 7:89). The King would make His response to the offerings of the princes by acting as their Guide through the supreme leader.

c Second would come the lighting of the lamps in the Sanctuary, symbolising the light of Yahweh among His people, and as it shone on the show bread which represented His people, it indicated His blessing on them, and the light of His face shining on them. Through the lampstand, the light of His face was revealed as shining permanently on His people (Numbers 8:1 compare Numbers 6:25; 2 Corinthians 4:1).

b Third would come the compulsory dedication of the Levites to the service of Yahweh (Numbers 8:5). This on the Godward side parallels the dedication of the Nazirites among the people, contributing to the holiness of the camp.

a And fourthly would come the compulsory keeping of the Passover of deliverance by all who were clean (Numbers 9:1). Having cleansed the camp (Numbers 5:1) they were in a position to enjoy the Passover. This glad feast reminded them of how Yahweh watched over them and protected them, because they were atoned for by the shedding of blood in accordance with His commandment. And as their deliverance had begun with the Passover, so would their going forward now begin with the Passover, a reminder that the Yahweh Who had revealed His power in Egypt was still with them.

Note the parallels. The cleansing of the camp (Numbers 5:1) results in their being able to celebrate the Passover of deliverance as a ‘clean' people (Numbers 9:1), The dedication of the people as Nazirites, increasing the holiness of the camp (Numbers 6:1), is paralleled by the permanent dedication of the Levites as holy on their behalf (Numbers 8:5). The blessing of the priests and their desire for the light of His countenance to shine on Israel (Numbers 6:22) is paralleled by the shining of the lamp in the Dwellingplace on the showbread which represented Israel, depicting a greater reality (Numbers 8:1). While the submission of the princes and their dedication of the altar (Numbers 7:1) is responded to by the Voice of Yahweh from between the Cherubim speaking to their supreme leader (Numbers 7:89).

The Response of the Sanctuary (Numbers 7:89 to Numbers 9:14).

To the dedication of the people in all the respects described from Numbers 5:1 onwards now came the response of Yahweh their King. Firstly in the speaking of His Voice, secondly in the shining of His light, thirdly in the service of the Levites on behalf of the people (having replaced their firstborn sons), and fourthly in the Passover celebration which reminded them of, and renewed to them, the wonder of their deliverance from Egypt and His watch over them ever since.

In the first case it was with respect to Moses, in the second to the priests, in the third to the dedicated ones (the Levites), and in the fourth to the people. This is the exact reversal of the order in the previous three Chapter s.

Thus we have:

d The Voice of Yahweh the King speaking to Moses from the Mercy Seat (Numbers 7:89). This was a response to the dedication of the altar and the tribute of the princes (Numbers 7:2), both on behalf of the people, and its original anointing and sanctification (Numbers 7:1).

c The lighting of the lamps in the Sanctuary by Aaron and his sons symbolising the light of Yahweh shining on His people (Numbers 8:1). This was a response to the priests' blessing (Numbers 6:22).

b The compulsory dedication of the Levites to the service of Yahweh as Yahweh's guarantee of the maintenance of the cult (Numbers 8:5). This paralleled the dedication of the Nazirites (Numbers 6:1). It was Yahweh's response to the dedication of the people.

a The compulsory keeping of the Passover of deliverance by the people, by all who were clean (Numbers 9:1) ensuring their continual deliverance by Yahweh. As their deliverance had begun with the Passover, so would their going forward begin with it, a reminder that Yahweh was continually with them. This was Yahweh's response to their cleansing of the camp (Numbers 5). Because they were clean they could partake in His Passover with all that it signified.

Chapter 9 The Second Passover.

Last in our series of responses by the Sanctuary to the dedication of the people comes the feast of the Passover. This was a response in which all the people who were ‘clean' could take part. It follows happily on the reference to the Passover in Numbers 8:17 and parallels in the whole schemat of these Chapter s (see introduction before Numbers 5:1 above) the making clean of the camp. For only those who were clean could take part in the Passover. To enjoy Yahweh's best requires full cleanness of life.

Yahweh had responded to the people's dedication by His Voice coming to Moses through which His people would receive His word (Numbers 7:89). He had responded in response to the blessing of the priest by calling on Aaron to light the lamps so that in symbolism they represented God illuminating the people of Israel (Numbers 8:1), a symbolism which contributed to the reality. He had responded in appointing the Levites for the good of His people Israel and the maintenance of His Dwellingplace (Numbers 8:5). Now His approach was to the people themselves through the Feast of the Passover. The importance of this event is stressed by it being dated. That it must be kept by all, even if delayed, is then also stressed.

The first five verses are not to be seen as simply an introduction. They solemnly go through the call to keep the Passover, then move on to the message passed on by Moses, and finally to the full response of the people in keeping the Passover. By this they would again partake afresh in Yahweh's deliverance. One purpose of what follows is precisely to bring out what a wonderful thing those people who did not keep the Passover had been missing out on. Clearly He saw partaking in this feast as an essential part of the bond between Himself and His people and sought to make it open as widely as possible within the covenant (compare Exodus 12:43). It was the fourth aspect of His response to His people.

Another purpose for Numbers 9:6 is in bringing out how important Yahweh saw it to be. It was important that none should miss the Passover. It was so important that it was the only feast for which a second opportunity was given, and to miss it deliberately would therefore result in being cut off from the covenant.

The passage follows the usual chiastic pattern.

a The Passover must be kept at its appointed time (Numbers 9:1).

b The Passover is to be kept according to all the statutes and ordinance (Numbers 9:3).

c The Passover was kept in the wilderness as commanded (Numbers 9:4).

d Those who were unclean for the dead and could not eat the Passover (Numbers 9:6).

e Moses asks them to wait while he discovers Yahweh's will (Numbers 9:8).

e Yahweh speaks to Moses His will (Numbers 9:9).

d Yahweh speaks concerning those who were unclean and could not eat the Passover (Numbers 9:10 a).

c They shall keep the Passover of Yahweh (Numbers 9:10 b).

b The Passover was to be kept as laid down (Numbers 9:11).

a The Passover must be kept at its appointed time (Numbers 9:13).

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