‘So that my bonds became manifest in Christ throughout the whole praetorian guard, and to all the rest,'

The first way in which things had fallen out well was that it had meant that the fact that he was in bondage for Christ's sake had become known throughout the Praetorian guard, who would also have learned why it was so. We can indeed be sure that each soldier who had found himself chained to Paul soon found that he was being enlightened as to the Gospel, and would of course be witness to his conversations with Christian visitors and all who entered his ‘prison'. We can be sure that some would even be converted. Thus the word of Christ's saving work was spreading among people who in normal circumstances would have been difficult to reach with the Gospel of Christ, and all due to Paul's imprisonment.

‘Throughout the whole Praetorian guard' does not necessarily have to be taken literally. The thought is rather that it spread widely among them. (We can see someone saying, ‘they're all talking about you'). ‘All the rest' may suggest that it had spread also among other soldiers, or alternatively among many private citizens, but the main intention is in order to emphasise the widespread way in which the Gospel was being propagated as a direct result of his imprisonment.

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