‘Which he promised beforetime through his prophets in the holy scriptures,'

Paul was concerned to stress that this Good News of God had not arrived unannounced. It had been promised beforetime through the prophets in the Holy Scriptures (the Old Testament). Thus it was not something novel, but was something promised and prepared for through the inspiration of God's revered messengers of old. These great and holy men of old had pointed forward to Jesus Christ, preparing the way before Him, just as heralds would proclaim the coming of a king. And it was promised in the Holy Scriptures, the widely honoured sacred book of the Jews (the Old Testament) which was seen as containing God's revelation to man. It bore the authenticity of firmly testified prophetic promises given through revered men of old, and contained within the sacred book of the Jews, a book which was honoured, even in the Gentile world.

The fact that this Good News was promised by God  in His Holy Scriptures  will be brought out throughout the letter:

· In the Scriptures is revealed the expectancy of the coming saving righteousness of God (Romans 1:17). The coming of this righteousness was a prominent theme of Isaiah where it is closely related to salvation. Compare Isaiah 45:8; Isaiah 46:13; Isaiah 51:5; Isaiah 51:8; Isaiah 56:1; etc. Note especially that in Isaiah 51:5 righteousness is to go out to the peoples who as a result will trust in Him. The coming of His righteousness would therefore bring salvation in a way that was compatible with what He is.

· In the Scriptures is revealed the sinfulness of man (Romans 1:18 to Romans 3:23). Having ignored the message given by the majesty of the heavens (Romans 1:20; compare Psalms 19:1) man indulged in every kind of sin and idolatry, something of which the Old Testament is a continual record.

· In the Scriptures is revealed God's method of atonement through the shedding of blood (Romans 3:24; compare Isaiah 53, and all references in the Old Testament to sacrifice and atonement). All these offerings and sacrifices have now been fulfilled through Christ's offering of Himself once for all.

· In the Scriptures is revealed God's method of accounting men as righteous by faith as revealed in the life of Abraham (Romans 4:1; compare especially Genesis 15:6). Through faith we too can be accounted righteous.

· In the Scriptures is revealed the very source of man's sinfulness in the first man, and the fact that God would provide a remedy through Another (Romans 5:12; Genesis 3; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 49:1; Isaiah 52:13 to Isaiah 53:12 and often). As we are naturally a part of Adam, so must we become a part of Christ by being united with Him by believing in Him.

· In the Scriptures is revealed the Law, the purpose of which was originally good, but which ended up condemning men, from whose condemnation we have now been delivered (Romans 7:1; compare Exodus 21:1; etc)

· In the Scriptures is revealed God's way of salvation for His true people (9-11 against the background of the Old Testament).

· As the Scriptures foretold in the beginning, God will now bruise Satan under their feet (Romans 16:20; compare Genesis 3:15).

Thus the whole of the letter to the Romans is undergirded by the Holy Scriptures.

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