God Has Provided A Way By Which Men Can Be Accounted As In The Right Before God (3:21-4:25).

Paul has spent a considerable time, from Romans 1:18 onwards, in demonstrating that all are under sin (weighed down under it and condemned by it). And he has shown that this includes the common herd of idolaters (Romans 1:18); the generality of people (Romans 1:28); those who for one reason or another see themselves as above the norm (philosophers, judges, Rabbis, Jews - Romans 2:1); and especially the Jews with their wild claims (Romans 2:17 to Romans 3:8). He has demonstrated that all as they are in themselves come under the condemnation of God. None can claim to be in the right on the basis of their own lives (Romans 3:9). Now Paul seeks to demonstrate the difference that has been made by the coming of Christ, for in Christ God has provided a righteousness which is sufficient to ‘put in the right with God' all who truly believe in Him. In Romans 1:17 Paul had told us about it, but in order for us to appreciate it fully it was necessary for us to recognise man's condition. Now that he has achieved that he will expand on Romans 1:17, ‘therein is the righteousness of God (which makes men accounted as righteous) revealed from faith unto faith'.

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