Trial before Festus. Of Festus little is known, but nothing unfavourable. Here he appears as a conscientious magistrate, who keeps everyone in his proper place and does not allow the course of justice to be unduly delayed. Mommsen in ZNTW, 1901, p. 81, finds the account of Paul's trials before Felix and Festus, in spite of some editorial touches, to be quite in accordance with Roman legal form, and says that in this report alone is a case of appeal to the Emperor placed before us in living reality. The new procurator having entered on his office (Acts 25:1 mg.) there is an end of the long delay. The animosity of the Jews against Paul is unabated after the two years. To their application (Acts 25:3) Festus replies by pointing out their proper legal course; those who are of power (Acts 25:5) means those who had a right to appear at Cæ sarea. This takes place without delay, the Jews from Jerusalem standing round Paul and making their charges. If the nature of these can be inferred from Paul's answer in Acts 25:8, they were identical with those made in the Temple (Acts 21:28), together with a general one of disloyalty. The Asiatic Jews of the Temple being absent, there was a want of evidence for all this, and Paul denies their statements. Festus then puts to him what the Jews asked for. Will he agree to a trial at Jerusalem at which he. the procurator, will preside? Paul is aware (they have no doubt made it plain) that it is his death and nothing less that the Jews desire; and that to take him to Jerusalem is virtually to hand him over to those who have already sentenced him. He does not seek to escape from death if he deserves it, but if their charges are without substance, he pleads, no one is entitled to make a present of him to them, as they asked (Acts 25:3). He insists on his rights as a Roman citizen to be tried in the Emperor's court. The appeal to Cæ sar is formally made, and after Festus has consulted with his assessors (Acts 25:23 *), is formally allowed.

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