Mark 1:16

I. Vers. 16-20. (1) Christ is the Preparer of His servants. "I will make you" how much was involved in that promise. (a) Authority; (b) Qualification. (2) Small beginnings compatible with sublime results. (3) The claims of God override all other claims the sons left their father. (4) The discharge of common duties the best preparation for higher calls. (5) The place of the servant is after the master "Come ye after Me;" they are not invited to equal terms, they must walk in the King's shadow.

II. Vers. 21, 22. (1) Men will teach well only as they teach under Christ. (2) Authority is impossible apart from association with the Master. (3) Authority of tone must come from intensity of conviction. (4) Hearers know the voice of authority. (5) The Christian teacher is to show his supremacy over all other teachers.

III. Vers. 23-8. (1) Wickedness is always afraid of purity. (2) Wickedness has no favour to ask of purity, except to be let alone. (3) Wickedness can always identify the presence of the spirit of Jesus Christ. (4) For this reason the Church is a constant judgment upon all unclean spirits. (5) The completeness of Jesus Christ's authority His authority in doctrine,and His authority in work. (6) Fulness of spiritual life is the guarantee of fulness of spiritual power.

IV. Vers. 29-31. Jesus Christ had both a public and private ministry; He worked in the synagogue, He worked also in the domestic circle. Let us learn from this (1) that the individual case as well as the case of the multitude should be regarded as worthy of attention. (2) That bodily diseases as well as spiritual ailments are within the sphere of our solicitude; we are to be philanthropic as well as spiritually minded. (3) We are to put ourselves in personal contact with those who suffer.

V. Vers. 32-4. The natural sun set, but the Sun of Righteousness arose with healing in His wings. In the evening as well as in the morning Jesus Christ was at work. Men come to Jesus Christ according to the urgency of their want. It is well if men can feel their want of Christ at any point.

Parker, City Temple,1871, p. 23.

References: Mark 1:16. Homiletic Quarterly,vol. v., p. 156. Mark 1:16. Preacher's Monthly,vol. iii., p. 46; A. B. Bruce, The Training of the Twelve,p. 17; W. Hanna, Our Lord's Life on Earth,p. 154.Mark 1:16. Homiletic Quarterly,vol. ii., p. 253.

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