Ye shall pass over Jordan.

Jordan and Canaan typical of death and heaven

I. The anticipated inheritance.

1. A land of promise.

2. A land of abundance.

3. A holy land.

4. A land of rest.

5. Permanence of residence.

6. A land freely given.

II. The manner of possession.

1. The streams of Jordan rolled between the desert and the land of Canaan. So does the river of death flow between earth and heaven.

2. Jordan separated the Israelites from the inhabitants of Canaan. Death separates the church militant and the church triumphant. On this side is a parent, on the other side a child.

3. Jordan was subject to the command of God. When He gave the word, the waters rose and stood up (Joshua 3:16). Death, too, is under His control. Christ “destroyed him who had the power of death” (Hebrews 2:14).

4. Through Jordan was a necessary way to the laud of promise. So is death, however painful and affecting. It is necessary that the river of death should be dark and formidable to render us content with the present state of existence.

5. Jordan was the last river they had to pass. Death will be the last conflict--the last enemy with which the saint will have to struggle. Observe that when the children of Israel passed over Jordan the following things were observable.

(1) They were required to sanctify themselves previous to the passage (Joshua 3:5). Before death Christ must be made unto the believer “sanctification” (1 Corinthians 1:30).

(2) The priests were to enter the river first. So Jesus entered the river before us--as our Forerunner. The eye of faith in the dying believer beholds His footprints at the bottom.

(3) The priests stood firm in the midst of Jordan until all the people passed over (Joshua 3:17). Christ stands by His people in their dying moments, and they “feel the bottom of the river, for it is good.”

(4) When they had passed over, they erected memorials of praise (Joshua 4:5; Joshua 4:8; Joshua 4:20). So when the Christian reaches heaven he shall utter a song of praise. “We went through fire and through water, but Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place” (Psalms 66:12). “Unto Him that loved us” (Revelation 1:5).


1. The possession of the heavenly inheritance is certain: “Ye shall possess it.” “Faithful is He who hath promised it, who also will do it.”

2. Meditate much on heaven and Christ as an important means of inducing to preparation for the last conflict.

3. All sinners will be overwhelmed in the swellings of Jordan. (Helps for the Pulpit.)

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