Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me.

Human life

I. The universal law of human life. What is it? It is expressed in one word--walking. Life is a “walk,” a journey. It is constant action, and constant action onward. Life is never stationary; it is always on the move; it is motion.

1. Constant change of position. Every step puts us in a fresh point of space, and surrounds us with something new in scenery. So with life.

2. Constant approximation to destiny. The grave for the body; retribution for the soul.

II. The saddening probabilities of human life. Life is not only a walk, but a walk often “in the midst of trouble.” Since the introduction of sin into our world, it has never been a walk of unmingled pleasure. All here meet with trials on the way; but some more than others. Physical--bodily pains and diseases; moral--the conflict of passions, the remorse of conscience, and the dread of death; social--disappointments in business, the treachery of false friends, the corruption of the world, and the bereavement of death.

III. The grand support of human life. “Thou wilt revive me.”

1. God is an all-sufficient support. He is equal to all our emergencies. “He is our refuge and strength,” etc. There is no enemy from which He cannot deliver us; there is no trial under which He cannot support us; there is no danger from which lie cannot rescue us. In the fiery furnace, in the surging waters, in the “valley of the shadow of death,” He is all-sufficient.

2. He is the only effective support. No one else can support you. “Put not your trust in princes.”

3. He is an available support. Available to all at any time. “Call upon Me in the time of trouble and I will deliver you.” (Homilist.)

The Christian’s comfort in the midst of troubles

I. The Christian’s troubles. They arise from--

1. The world within. An evil heart of unbelief; prone to distrust God, to dishonour God, to wander from God.

2. The world without. Bodily affliction, worldly trials, opposition from the world, etc.

3. The world beneath. Satan distils his venom in secret.

II. The Christian’s comforter. Though he walks in trouble, he does not walk alone. Though persecuted, he is not forsaken; though cast down, not destroyed.

1. God can enter the inner world and bring comfort there, and spread a banquet within, and open a little paradise (Psalms 94:19; Job 35:10; Psalms 27:5).

2. God can enable us to meet the world without. So He enabled Jacob to meet Esau; Elijah, Baal’s priests; David, Goliath.

3. God can effectually subdue the world beneath. “Bruise Satan under your feet.”

III. The Christian’s confidence. What it is proved.

1. What He is--God of mercy.

2. What He has done.

3. What He has promised to do. (Evangelist.)

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