The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

Ver. 47. Of the earth, earthy] Gr. dusty, slimy, ex terra friabili. Let this pull down proud flesh. Let us throw this proud Jezebel out of the windows of our hearts, and lay her honour in the dust, by remembering that we are but earth and dust. Adam of Adamah, red earth; homo ab humo. Humility comes from the same root, because it lays a man flat on the ground; and because, like the earth, it is the most weighty of all virtues.

The Lord from heaven] Not for the matter of his body, for he was "made of a woman;" but for the original and dignity of his person, whereof see a lively and lofty description,Hebrews 1:2,3 .

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