And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

Ver. 26. And had spent all that she had] Physicians are many of them crumenimulgae, et sordida poscinummia. (Plaut.) They call their drugs δοσεις, gifts; yet we pay dear for them, besides that they sometimes give their patient a "decipe" for a "recipe," which made Chaucer say, Farewell, physic.

" Iurisconsultorum idem status et Medicorum:

Damna quibus licito sunt aliena lucro,

Hi morbis aegrorum, agrorum litibus ill;

Dant Tatienter opem, dum potiantur opum. "

(Owen Epigr.)

Howbeit their greedy desire of money seldom prospereth with them.

" Dicis te medicum, nos te plus esse fatemur;

Una tibi plus est littera quam medico. "

(Mendico sc.)

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