Tertullian Against Marcion Book V

? "Then, again, when affirming the law to be "spiritual"[645]

Novation On the Jewish Meats

Therefore, first of all, we must avail ourselves of that passage, "that the law is spiritual; "[10]

Methodius From the Discourse on the Resurrection " For it was not the law of God that became the cause of my being brought into subjection to corruption, but the devil; that he might be made manifested who, through that which is good, wrought evil; that the inventor of evil might become and be proved the greatest of all sinners. "For we know that the law is spiritual; "[68]

Methodius From the Discourse on the Resurrection

and therefore it can in no respect be injurious to any one; for spiritual things are far removed from irrational lust and sin. "But I am carnal, sold under sin; "[69]

Origen Commentary on John Book X

On the same passage one may also make use of such an example as that of Paul, who at one place[13]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI

and which had no kinship with the spirit, and the ministration of life which is understood in the spiritual law. those who were able with a sincere heart to say, "We know that the law is spiritual,"[132]

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Old Testament