Matthew 21 - Introduction

THE FINISH WAS IN SIGHT Matthew Twenty-One Jesus' had predicted that His earthly life would end with His death on the cross, burial, resurrection, post resurrection appearances and His ascension to Heaven. Matthew twenty-one begins that last phase in Jesus' earthly mission. Soon He would say from... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 21:1-17

_WITH THE FINISH IN SIGHT JESUS ENTERED JERUSALEM AND CLEANSED THE TEMPLE MATTHEW 21:1-17:_ One of the great statements from this section concerned the donkey and colt, "The Lord has need of them." Your hands, your eyes, your feet, and your heart -- "the Lord has need of them!" Another great stateme... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 21:18-22

_WITH THE FINISH IN SIGHT JESUS CAUSED A FIG TREE TO WITHER MATTHEW 21:18-22:_ The fig tree is unique in that the fruit and the leaves come at the same time. Mark wrote, "For the fig season had not yet come." (Mark 11:13) The fruit tree was hypocritical. It professed fruit but bore none. Each person... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 21:23-32

_WITH THE FINISH IN SIGHT JESUS TAUGHT ABOUT AUTHORITY AND REPENTANCE MATTHEW 21:23-32:_ The chief priest and elders confronted Jesus with questions about His authority. "By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave You this authority?" (Matthew 21:23) He answered their questions by sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 21:33-46

_WITH THE FINISH IN SIGHT JESUS SPOKE OF GOD'S GOODNESS AND DESIRE TO SAVE MATTHEW 21:33-46:_ "The vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the House of Israel." (Isaiah 5:7) God had entrusted His vineyard to men. They were responsible for it. The abuse of Israel's religious freedoms led her far away from b... [ Continue Reading ]

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