Matthew 22 - Introduction

SPEECHLESS BEFORE THE KING Matthew Twenty-Two Matthew twenty-two pictures occasions when people stood "Speechless Before The King": (1) Matthew 22:1-14 -- the man without a wedding garment, (2) Matthew 22:15-22 -- the Pharisees that asked about paying tax, (3) Matthew 22:23-33 -- the Sadducees that... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:1-14

_THE MAN WITHOUT A WEDDING GARMENT MATTHEW 22:1-14_ : The man without a wedding garment stood speechless before the King. The message came "all things are ready, come to the wedding." Those that were invited made light of the invitation. (Matthew 22:5-6) The Jews rejected Jesus and this rejection op... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:15-22

_THE QUESTION ABOUT TAXES MATTHEW 22:15-22_ : The Pharisees that asked if it was lawful to pay tax to Caesar stood speechless before the King. They desired to entangle Jesus in His talk. (Matthew 22:15) Their question was, "Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?" (Matthew 22:17) Jesus answered... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:23-33

_THE QUESTION ABOUT THE RESURRECTION MATTHEW 22:23-33_ : The Sadducees, that deny the resurrection, questioned Jesus about the "Levitate" law of marriage. (Deuteronomy 25:5-10) They wanted to know who this woman would be married to after the resurrection. Jesus said their questions came from a basic... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:34-46

_THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT AND AN IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION MATTHEW 22:34-46:_ The Pharisees Jesus asked about the greatest commandment. He gave them that and more. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. An... [ Continue Reading ]

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