John described four beasts Revelation 4:6-7: The crystal sea made possible a clear view of God. The sea often represents populations of the earth. This likely provides a picture of the tranquility and peacefulness of souls that have died in the service of God.

At this point both Ezekiel chapter one and Isaiah chapter 6 provide us with much help. The visions are so much alike that we feel justified in accepting what is revealed there as having the same meaning here. "This is the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river of Chebar; and I knew that they were the cherubims." (Ezekiel 10:20) These are spectacular angelic beings that surround the throne of God. The thought of being full of eyes indicates that these angelic beings have greater insight than any man does. They totally understand the value of worship and service to God.

The beast or living creatures are pictured as having faces like a lion, a calf, a man, and a flying eagle. Many have thought that this pictures different gifts God has given to men in the spreading of His word. Some do so with courage, others with more meekness, some with more wisdom and others with great insight. The result being that when the truth is taught and obeyed it leads people to the throne of God.

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