26. Behold the fowls of the air.

The birds of heaven. The one point that the Lord wishes us to behold is that the birds are fed without sowing or reaping. The argument is that if God feeds the birds, so that they have food in their season, and supplies all their wants, though they are incapable of forethought, how much more will he care for his rational creatures who are engaged in his service? It is possible that from his lofty position the Lord pointed, as he said these words, to flocks of birds that were careering over the plain, and this allusion was. beautiful object lesson, by which Christ made every bird of the air. preacher of trust in God.-- Eggleston. God feeds the birds without their sowing or reaping, but the lesson does not teach us that he will feed us without our doing so. The birds do the work for which they were created, and God takes care of them. So too he will take care of us--not in idleness or improvidence--but if we do the work for which God created us. We need have no anxiety if we do our duty. That is the lesson the Lord teaches.

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