Here the correction is partly a question of punctuation. The received text has καί συ, Καπερναούμ, ἡ ἕως τοῦ οὐρανοῦ ὑψωθεῖσα, ἕως ᾅδου καταβιβασθήσῃ. The best editors give the reading of this text: but there is some authority for ἣ ὑψώθης in place of μὴ ὑψωθήσῃ.

The earliest MSS. afford little guidance as to punctuation. ‘The Greek interrogation now in use (;) first occurs about the ninth century, and (,) used as a stop a little later.’ Scrivener’s Introduction, p. 45.

23. Καφαρναούμ. See map. Although Capernaum was truly exalted unto heaven in being our Lord’s ‘own city,’ the thought is rather of self-exaltation. The expressions recall Isaiah 14:13-15. Capernaum has exalted herself like Babylon—like Babylon she shall be brought low. The idea that Capernaum was literally on a height does not appear to be borne out by facts. Both the conjectural sites are marked low in the map published by the Palestine Exploration Fund.

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Old Testament